Wednesday 17 October 2012

Smallest Netbook

Smallest Netbook

Smaller and cheaper than a laptop, netbooks continue to make a strong impression in the market. Netbooks appeal to a wide audience, from businesspeople who travel frequently, to kids and home users looking for a small laptop to carry from room to room, to book-laden students who spend long hours on campus. Most netbooks can be distinguished by their light weight, long battery life, small screens (between 9 and 12 inches), and low-powered components. These devices first appeared for home use but are becoming increasingly popular among small business professionals and college students who are about to head back to school. Netbook makers are including more features, bigger screens and keyboards, and faster parts—all while slashing prices. We give you the top 10 netbooks we've reviewed on the market today.

Smallest Netbook

Smallest Netbook

Smallest Netbook

Smallest Netbook

Smallest Netbook

Smallest Netbook

Smallest Netbook

Smallest Netbook

Smallest Netbook

Smallest Netbook

Smallest Netbook

Smallest Netbook

Smallest Netbook

Smallest Netbook

Smallest Netbook

Smallest Netbook

Smallest Netbook

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