Micro Pc
Over the past few months there have been no fewer than three tiny, cheap Linux PCs making headlines, and now there's a fourth to add to the list.First we saw the Raspberry Pi and the Cotton Candy devices emerge; then, almost exactly a month ago I wrote about the Mele A1000, a small ARM device that sells with Android but can be configured to run Ubuntu Linux as well.
The latest to appear? None other than the MK802 micro-PC, a USB-sized device priced at $74 that runs Android 4.0 and Linux.This is turning into a veritable smorgasbord of choices, and I believe it's just the beginning of a real revolution in computing.1080p HDMI Video OutputFeaturing a single-core 1.5GHz AllWinner A10 Cortex A8 ARM processor, Android 4.0, 512MB of DDR3 high-capacity memory, and WiFi connectivity, the MK802 is now available on Aliexpress for $74 including free shipping to the United States via China Post.The MK802 (Credit: CNXSoft. Click image to enlarge.)With a MALI400 graphics processing unit, the device from Chinese brand rikomagic features 4GB Flash storage, a microSD slot, and two USB ports: one full-sized and one micro, according to CNXSoft. Video output is via 1080p HDMI--an HDMI cable needs to be added separately--and users can tap either an Android virtual keyboard or add a wireless mouse and keyboard.Perhaps best of all is that users can run Ubuntu, Debian, or another Linux distribution of their choice via microSD card.A New Category of PCs//It's true that this device is more expensive than the $35 Raspberry Pi, but it's also cheaper than the $199 Cotton Candy. It's very comparable to the $70 Mele 1000.The bottom line, though, is that this is yet another choice for those seeking a low-cost computing option, and once again it's powered by ARM and Linux--both the Android variety and more traditional forms, if so desired.
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