Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Fastest Netbook

Fastest Netbook

Hey guys I am shopping for my next netbook and I'd appreciate it if you all shared your wisdom with me.  Can anyone recommend a netbook with can handle more than 2 gb of RAM which weighs less than 3 lbs? Something similar to that? I carry my netbook everywhere,so I want it to be super light, but my curretn netbook is too slow, so I also want one that is super-fasti've been hunting for a netbook for awhile and decided on this one for $488: memory is expandable to 4gb. nvidia ion graphics was a major selling point for me and the 12.1 inch asus is only 3.2 lbs.
in the $250 - $500 price range i couldn't find any other netbook hardware i really liked in a smaller 10 inch. (the sony z line is way out of my price range)my first choice had been a 2.4 lb linux preinstalled 10 inch by zareason > http://zareason.com/shop/Teo-Pro-Netbook.html < they include 1gb ram for a netbook price of $399, or 2gb ram for $19 more. at 2.3 lbs, gateway offers the and is only $239. i put joli os on my old gateway laptop running vista that was getting so slooooow, now it boots like a chromebook. i'll be putting it on the asus too.

Fastest Netbook

Fastest Netbook

Fastest Netbook

Fastest Netbook

Fastest Netbook

Fastest Netbook

Fastest Netbook

Fastest Netbook

Fastest Netbook

Fastest Netbook

Fastest Netbook

Fastest Netbook

Fastest Netbook

Fastest Netbook

Fastest Netbook

Fastest Netbook

Fastest Netbook

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